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About us

  北京全路光通讯技术有限公司是一个集科研开发、生产经营、销售于一体的高新技术企业。公司成立于2000年5月, 注册资金1000万元。2001年8月取得铁道部科学技术成果鉴定证书,2001年11月取得北京市高新技术企业的资质证书。 Railway Optical Telecommunication Technology CO.LTD of Beijing company is a hi-tech integration of operation and sales. With a registered capital of 10 million Chinese yuan, the company was established in May, 2000. In April and November 2001, the company was awarded respectively the science and technology achievement appraisal certificate from the Ministry of Railway and the qualification certificate for hi-tech enterprises from the Beijing municipal government. 公司拥有雄厚的技术开发能力,与各大科研所有着密切的联系和广泛的合作背景,吸引了一批光纤通信领域的人才。 The company possesses a strong team and capacity of technology development in the field of fibre communications and has a wide network of cooperations with various science and technology institutions. 公司作为新型的高科技企业,在不断完善现有产品的同时,以“更高、更新、更好、更强”为企业精神,以“、信誉上、开拓创新、追求”为企业发展宗旨。 As a hi-tech company with the development objective of being “quality and reputation first”, we are pursuing the goals for the higher, better and stronger while constantly improving our products. .公司全体同仁诚望与广大用户携手合作、共创辉煌! The staff of the company would like to work together with our clients for better cooperation and a bright future.